我于1963年毕业于南京药学院,在医院工作已整整22年了,对一些药师未得到合理使用体会较深,特写此文以为呼吁,希望能引起有关方面注意。 1.药师配备的不平衡:拿卫生系统来说, 有的医院药师成堆,药师干药剂士、药剂员甚至勤杂工的工作,而有的医院或其它需要药师的单位,却没有药师或仅有少数几个。我院140张病床,有主管药师2人、药师5人、药剂士8人,而我市有两个制药厂,年产值数百万元,
I graduated from Nanjing Pharmaceutical College in 1963 and worked in the hospital for 22 full years. I deeply understand that some pharmacists have not been properly used. This article calls for appeal and I hope it will attract the attention of relevant parties. 1. Pharmacist imbalances: In the case of health systems, some hospital pharmacists, pharmacists, pharmacists and even handymen work while hospitals or other units that require pharmacists have no pharmacist or only There are a few. Our hospital has 140 beds, 2 competent pharmacists, 5 pharmacists, 8 pharmacists, and the city has two pharmaceutical plants, the annual output value of millions of dollars,