诺基亚 N70手机/3300元www.nokia.com.cn诺基亚的 N 系列手机都是多媒体娱乐的行家高手,而作为该系列中第一个面市的 N70的表现也的确不负众望。除了可以用它听音乐、看电影、玩游戏,你还能通过“写 e 生活”软件直接将其200万像素摄像头拍下的照片上传到自己的网络日志中,随时随地用照片博客记录生活。配合诺基亚 LD-1W 蓝牙 GPS 导航模块和 RS-MMC 卡上的导航软件.它还能变成一部方便灵活的导航终端。
Nokia N70 phone / 3300 yuan www.nokia.com.cn Nokia’s N series phones are expert in multimedia entertainment expert, and as the first in the series the performance of the N70 did indeed live up to expectations. In addition to listening to music, watching movies and playing games with it, you can also upload photos taken by its 2MP camera directly to your weblog via “Write Live e” software and record your life with photo blogs anytime, anywhere. With the Nokia LD-1W Bluetooth GPS navigation module and RS-MMC card on the navigation software.It can also become a convenient and flexible navigation terminal.