摄影家拍摄的照片,不仅需要,而且能够通过像杂志这样的现代平面纸质媒介来传播信息,而且也可以通过摄影集这样的平面空间来展开一种独特的艺术表现与信息传播。另外当然还有在美术馆展览这么一种表现形式。所以,制作和编辑摄影作品集,无论是从摄影文化的意义还是从印刷文化的意义上来说,都是一种新的、充满了魅力的文化挑战。时至今日,尽管有通过i Pad的APP这样的影像展示方式,但纸质摄影
Photographs taken by photographers not only need, but also can be disseminated through modern, flat-panel print media such as magazines, but they can also be used to create a unique artistic expression and dissemination of information through such graphic spaces as photographic collections. And of course there is such a form of expression at the gallery. Therefore, making and editing photographic collections is a new and charismatic cultural challenge, both in terms of photographic culture and printing culture. Today, paper photography is available despite the way the images are displayed on iPad’s APP