又译:《兰闺春怨》 根据威廉·英吉的同名舞台剧改编 导演:丹尼尔·曼 [故事梗概]小雪巴是一只逗人喜爱的小狗,它突然失踪了,女主人萝拉日夜思念,盼着小雪巴回到自己的身边。廿年前,萝拉还是一位美丽的浪漫少女时,医科学生达克拼命追求她,结果,萝拉心理上尚未成熟便当上了家庭主妇,而达克为了维持家计也放弃了学业。后来,他俩的孩子不幸夭折。从此家里就没有欢乐了。达克沦为替人按摩的推拿师,经常酗酒而不能自拔。
Also translated as: “Orchid girl complain” According to William Yingji’s theatrical interpretation Director: Daniel Man [Synopsis] Xiao Xuemba is a cute puppy, it suddenly disappeared, mistress day and night miss , Looking forward to a small snow back to their side. Twenty years ago, when Lola was still a beautiful romantic girl, medical student Duck desperately pursued her. As a result, Lola was mentally immature to become a housewife, and Duck gave up her studies in order to maintain her family. Later, their children died unfortunately. There is no joy at home Dak reduced massage massage for the division, often drunk and can not extricate themselves.