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本文利用数据包络方法(DEA)对我国31个地区2005年科技投入技术效率、技术与规模效率进行总体评价,并利用Tobit回归模型对影响科技投入的无效率因素予以识别。研究表明,我国地区科技投入在效率上存在显著差异,并且不少地区效率低下;科技投入对经济增长贡献总体偏低;技术与规模效率共同有效的地区较少;科技人员和科技经费相对于投入规模而言,其产出效率不高;R&D经费、技术市场成交合同金额是影响科技投入无效率的重要因素。 In this paper, data envelopment method (DEA) is used to evaluate the technical efficiency, technology and scale efficiency of S & T investment in 31 regions of China in 2005, and the Tobit regression model is used to identify the inefficiency factors affecting S & T investment. The research shows that there are significant differences in the efficiency of science and technology investment in our country, and many regions are inefficient; the contribution of science and technology to economy growth is generally low; the common areas of technology and scale efficiency are less; the proportion of science and technology personnel and science and technology investment In terms of scale, its output efficiency is not high; the R & D expenditure and the contract amount in the technology market are the important factors that affect the inefficiency of S & T investment.
许多厂家在进行区域化促销活动时,从设计活动到追求更低成本促销执行,整个一条线如果仅靠自己的力量是很难完成的。这就为有心人带来了商机。  武汉周老板主要经营休闲食品,产品线主要集中在薯片、瓜子之类,由于产品特性所在,这类产品的线下促销活动特别多。虽说是厂家出钱来策划,但涉及一些终端交涉、具体场地人员安排,还是要周老板来进行协调。时间一长,周老板逐渐对促销活动摸清了门路,从接受厂家的整体策划方案开始,