39岁的Ahn Cheol Soo是个善良、谦逊的人。但对电脑黑客来说,Ahn却是个头号敌人。这位前内科医生,向韩国5000个公司用户中的大约1500万个计算机用户,提供了95%的抗病毒软件,摧毁了电脑黑客非常精致的手艺。在商界,Ahn以“公正、勇敢的对话”而闻名。当许多风险投资公司竞相在本地股票市场大量敛集金钱时,他猛烈抨击了这些“捞钱”公司的行为。随着盗版行为在韩国受到控制,Ahn浮现出来,成为该国土生土长的软件巨头之一。在2000年,该公司的销售收入达到
Ahn Cheol Soo, 39, is a kind and humble person. But for computer hackers, Ahn is the number one enemy. The former physician provided 95% of the anti-virus software to about 15 million computer users in the company’s 5000 corporate users, destroying the meticulous craftsmanship of computer hackers. In the business world, Ahn is known for “just, courageous dialogue.” When many venture capital companies competed to collect a large amount of money in the local stock market, he violently criticized the behavior of these “money” companies. As piracy was controlled in South Korea, Ahn emerged as one of the homegrown software giants in the country. In 2000, the company’s sales revenue reached