创岭南特色文化 铸优质教育品牌——广州市番禺区象达中学

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广州市番禺区象达中学始建于1986年,原名为沙湾初级中学,1988年正式更名为象达中学。学校坐落在“中国历史文化名镇”广州市番禺区沙湾镇,是沙湾镇优质初中的窗口学校、广州市规范化学校。古镇赋予象达中学深厚的历史文化底蕴,二十余载的发展铸就了学校丰富的精神文化,浓厚的“尚学”之风己成为学校的整体风貌。学生文质彬彬,礼貌谦虚,自信开朗;教师学识渊博,谈吐大方,气质优雅。学校具有得天独厚的地域文化资源,人文气息浓郁的校园环境、配套齐全的教学设施,是读书治学的理 Panyu District, Guangzhou City, as the secondary school was founded in 1986, formerly known as Shawan Junior High School, in 1988 officially changed its name to the Middle School. The school is located in “Chinese historical and cultural town ” Panyu District, Guangzhou City, Shawan Town, Shawan high-quality junior high school window school, standardized school in Guangzhou City. The ancient town of Inner Mongolia has given Xiangda Middle School a profound historical and cultural background. The development of more than 20 years has shaped the school’s rich spiritual culture. The strong “Shangxue ” style has become the school’s overall style. The students are gentle, courteous and modest, confident and cheerful. The teachers are versatile, elegant and generous in conversation. The school has a unique geographical and cultural resources, rich cultural atmosphere of the campus environment, a full range of teaching facilities, is the study of science