
来源 :石油与天然气地质 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hz_shenff
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塔里木盆地是在前震旦纪陆壳基底上发展起来的大型复合叠合盆地。盆地的形成经历了震旦纪—中泥盆世、晚泥盆世—三叠纪和侏罗纪—第四纪3个伸展-聚敛旋回演化阶段。震旦纪到中泥盆世(古亚洲洋阶段或原特提斯洋阶段),盆地经历了陆内裂谷-被动大陆边缘盆地-前陆盆地发展旋回;晚泥盆世到三叠纪(古特提斯洋阶段),塔西南边缘经历了陆内裂谷/被动大陆边缘盆地-弧后伸展盆地-弧后前陆盆地发展旋回;侏罗纪到第四纪(新特提斯洋阶段),盆地经历了陆内裂谷(坳陷)-挤压调整作用-晚期前陆型盆地发展旋回。陆内裂谷(坳陷)-挤压调整作用出现了3个次级旋回。伸展期原型盆地地层层序较稳定,聚敛期原型盆地地层侧向变化大。盆地演化与构造体制转换的地球动力学过程与方式决定了盆地具有复杂的叠加地质结构,制约着油气聚集与分布的基本特点。 The Tarim Basin is a large composite superimposed basin developed on the basis of the Pre-Sinian continental shelf. The formation of the basin underwent Sinian - Middle Devonian, Late Devonian - Triassic and Jurassic - Quaternary three extensional-convergent cycle evolutionary stages. Sinian to the Middle Devonian (Paleo-Asian Ocean or Proto-Tethyan), the basin underwent a cycle of intracontinental rift-passive continental margin-foreland basin; Late Devonian to Triassic Paleo-Tethys Ocean stage), the southwestern margin of the Tarim experienced cycles of intracontinental rift / passive continental margins-backarc extension basin-arc foreland basin; the Jurassic to Quaternary ), The basin underwent intracontinental rift (depression) - squeeze adjustment - the development of the late foreland basin. Inland rift (depression) - Squeeze adjustment effect appeared three secondary cycles. The stratigraphic sequence of the protolith basin in the extension period is relatively stable, and the lateral variation of the stratigraphic layer in the protracted period of the convergence period is large. The geodynamic process and mode of basin evolution and tectonic transformation determine that the basin has complex superimposed geological structures that constrain the basic characteristics of hydrocarbon accumulation and distribution.