Since the revival of Chinese social history research in the mid-1980s, great progress has been made both in the field of ancient Chinese social history and in the field of modern Chinese social history, with a series of influential treatises published or published. This is a very gratifying thing. However, compared with the gradual maturity of the study of modern social history in ancient China, the study of contemporary social history in China is still very weak. Although the importance of the study of contemporary Chinese social history, the academic community has generally accepted, and some commentators have made in-depth elaboration, but there is no clear guidance on how to strengthen the study of contemporary Chinese social history. It is for this high degree of academic sensitivity and academic responsibility that we co-planned this group of discussions with Hebei Journals magazine on how to expand and deepen the thematic discussion on the study of contemporary Chinese social history in order to be able to engage in China Contemporary social history scholars have some inspiration. If so, I think it is a blessing for the long-term development of the study of Chinese contemporary social history. Of course, we also look forward to having more scholars involved in the future to discuss this topic together.