全国勘察设计行业集聚京城研讨实施“一带一路”战略 创建勘察设计国际品牌 引领全行业应对新常态

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由中国勘察设计协会主办的全国勘察设计行业实施“一带一路”战略研讨会暨中国勘察设计协会六届二次常务理事会10月27日在北京举行。会议以“创建中国勘察设计国际品牌,引领企业应对新常态”为主题,从国外工程公司助推中国企业服务“一带一路”、整合国际资源跨界开拓海外工程市场、交通企业海外并购及市场开拓实践、“一带一路”战略助推冶金企业海外业务跨越发展、“一带一路”的机 The survey and design industry hosted by China Survey and Design Institute implemented the “One Belt and One Road” strategy seminar and the 6th Standing Committee of the 6th China Exploration and Design Association in Beijing on October 27. With the theme of “Creating an International Brand for Chinese Survey and Design and Leading the Company in Responding to the New Normal”, the conference boosted Chinese enterprise services and “One Belt and One Road” services from foreign engineering companies, integrated international resources to open up overseas engineering markets across international borders, and provided transportation companies overseas Mergers and Acquisitions and Market Development Practice, “Belt and Road” Strategy Boosts Overseas Business Development of Metallurgical Enterprises, “Belt and Road”
摘要 自然主义高度重视人的生存环境,认为一个人的生存环境对人的命运产生了极大的影响。本文以德莱塞·西奥多小说《嘉莉妹妹》为例,试图从自然主义的角度来研究促使主人公命运发生转折的节点和自然主义所表现出的现实主义影响。  关键词:自然主义 真实化 现实化 欲望化 拜金化  德莱塞·西奥多是美国现代小说的先驱、现实主义作家,他的许多作品都提到了自然主义的描写,在一定程度上削弱了他作为现实主义现代小说作家