功血属于中医崩漏范畴,多由冲任损伤,不能制约经血而形成。常见的原因由血热、脾虚、血瘀、肾虚所致。故在治疗当中必须审证求因、辨证论治,以急则治标,缓则治本为原则,采取塞流、澄源、复旧三大法。本病多发生在成年人,少女少见。近两年我曾遇3例报告如下:1 临床资料本组3例系堂姊妹,其中有
The uterine bleeding belongs to the category of metrorrhagia in traditional Chinese medicine, and it is often caused by the injury of the red blood vessel. The common causes are blood heat, spleen deficiency, blood stasis, and kidney deficiency. Therefore, in the treatment process, it is necessary to examine the reasons for seeking evidence, to distinguish between syndromes and treatment, to use urgency to treat the symptoms, and to use slow-to-treat principles as the principle, and to adopt the three methods of simmering, clarifying the source, and restoring the old. The disease mostly occurs in adults and young girls are rare. In the past two years, I have encountered three cases of reports as follows: 1 Clinical data The group of 3 cases of sisters, including