患儿,男,出生60天,因发烧、咳嗽、腹泻4天在某诊所用庆大霉素及止咳合剂治疗,2天前开始无尿,无尿48h后,来我院急诊,以肺炎、肠炎、急性肾功能衰竭收住院。 查体:T 36℃,神志不清,体重4kg,轻度脱水貌,心率130次/rain,心律不齐,无杂音,两肺呼吸音粗糙,腹胀,肝大肋下2cm。其余无异常所见。 实验室检查:血、便例规无明显异常所见,尿蛋白(+),尿糖(+),尿素氮27mmol/L,血肌肝582mmol/L,血钾11mmol/L,胸片两肺可
Children, male, born 60 days, due to fever, cough, diarrhea 4 days in a clinic with gentamicin and cough mixture treatment, 2 days ago no urine, no urine 48h, to our hospital emergency, pneumonia, Enteritis, acute renal failure admitted to hospital. Physical examination: T 36 ℃, confusion, weight 4kg, mild dehydration appearance, heart rate 130 times / rain, arrhythmia, no noise, rough breathing sounds of both lungs, abdominal distension, liver ribs 2cm. The rest without exception seen. Laboratory tests: blood, the routine was no abnormal findings, urinary protein (+), urine (+), urea nitrogen 27mmol / L, blood muscle liver 582mmol / L, potassium potassium 11mmol / L, can