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研究目的:新线设计中,接轨方案的选择是决策阶段需要解决的重要问题之一。接轨方案的选择主要是解决接轨点的选择和接轨方向的选择。本文通过对模糊综合评判的研究,为接轨方案的论证、优选提供一种量化的方法,以便做出较理想的线路设计。研究方法:从接轨方案选择的模糊性出发,确定影响接轨方案选择的各种因素,运用模糊数学的原理和方法对各种因素从理论上给予模糊综合评判,得出各个方案的优劣性。研究结果:通过对新建铁路田东至德保线接轨方案的实例验算,提出了推荐接轨方案,证明了本模型的可行性和实用性。研究结论:模糊综合评判模型在接轨方案的比选中有较强的应用价值,可为设计者提供决策依据;在实际应用中,可从比选方案自身特点出发,对模型的参数进行改进、优化。 Research purposes: In the design of new line, the choice of connecting plan is one of the important problems to be solved in the decision-making stage. The choice of connecting program is mainly to solve the choice of connecting point and the choice of connecting direction. In this paper, the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of the research, for the feasibility of the feasibility of the program to provide a quantitative method to make the ideal line design. Research methods: According to the fuzziness of the scheme, the various factors that influence the choice of the scheme are determined, and the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of various factors is made by using the principle and method of fuzzy mathematics, and the advantages and disadvantages of each scheme are obtained. Research results: Based on the actual calculation of the Tiandong-Dabao line alignment scheme for new railway construction, the recommended alignment scheme is proposed, which proves the feasibility and practicability of this model. Research conclusions: The fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model has strong application value in the comparison and selection of the scheme, which can provide the basis for the decision-making of the designer. In practical application, the parameters of the model can be improved and optimized from the characteristics of the comparison scheme .
【摘要】战国时代流传于巴、楚交汇之地的“下里巴人”的历史典故,以其浅显易懂的事例,揭示了音乐作品、音乐受众与音乐流行强度的关系。本文借助商品经济的价值规律试论音乐作品、音乐受众与音乐流行强度的关系,同时强调音乐作品的社会属性。  【关键词】下里巴人;音乐受众;流行强度;关系;分析  一、历史典故“下里巴人”的回顾简析  关于“下里巴人”的记载始见于《楚辞》中的《宋玉答楚王问》,其中有:“王问于宋玉