“他被一群高出一头半的黑衣保安簇拥着,蹒跚着挪步出Show场,相比8年前他来到上海显得憔悴许多,还是银色的背头却稀疏得已经能看到右上额的秃迹。”某个看完Giorgio Armani大秀的人如是写道,这位今年已经78岁的老人虽然还在时装场上骁勇征战着,可这么大的帝国如果他真的撒手不管,到底该如何是好,他却好像根本没有这么一回事一样,甚至于连意大利政府都曾几次过问这件事情,可他的接班人是谁,谁来接管这么庞大的时尚大厦,他却从来
“He was surrounded by a group of black security guards in the top half and hobbled out of the show. Compared to the eight years ago when he came to Shanghai, he looked haggard, but his silver back was sparse enough to see the upper right Bald track. ”Someone who read Giorgio Armani’s big show writes that although this year’s 78-year-old man is still bravely fighting in the fashion arena, In the end he is good, but he does not seem to be the same. Even the Italian government even asked this matter several times. But who is his successor and who will take over such a huge fashion building? Never