心力衰竭常合并水电解质紊乱,低钠血症就是其中常见的一种类型.近年来,心力衰竭患者合并低钠血症预后的研究逐渐增多,各项研究纷纷表示低钠血症是住院患者最常见的电解质异常且与不良的预后相关.其研究的方式、重点各不相同,现从血钠浓度不同、出院时低钠已纠正与未纠正、社区获得性低钠与医源性低钠、相关并发症和其他系统影响几个不同方面综合阐述低钠血症与心力衰竭患者预后的关系.“,”Heart failure is often associated with water and electrolyte imbalance,and hyponatremia is one of the common type.In recent years,studies on the prognosis of patients with heart failure complicated with hyponatremia have been gradually increasing.Various studies have indicated that hyponatremia is the most common electrolyte abnormalities in hospitalized patients and correlated with poor prognosis.The way and focus of research is different.We present a comprehensive review of the relationship between hyponatremia and the prognosis of heart failure patients from different aspects by different serum sodium concentration,corrected and uncorrected low sodium discharge,community-acquired hyponatremia and iatrogenic hyponatremia,and related complications and other system.