已知获得性原发性甲低可有轻度高催乳素(P-RL)血症,且乳溢偶可见于未经治疗的甲低病人。PRL水平升高的确切原因尚不清楚。作者研究了先天性甲低的高PRL血症,并对其机制进行了探讨。 甲低组为9名未经治疗的先天性甲低患儿,年龄4.1±1.0周,或为甲状腺功能缺失或为异位甲状腺,T_4<129nmol/1 TSH>20mU/1。对照组为23名甲状腺功能正常的婴儿,年龄6.2±0.7周。由于在本文所研究的婴儿年龄阶段,血清PRL浓度不象成人那样有性别的差异,故没有特别注意两组婴儿的性别搭配。首先,测定了两组婴儿的PRL,甲
It is known that acquired primary hypothyroidism may have mild hyperprolactinemia (P-RL), and may be found in untreated hypothyroidism. The exact reason why PRL levels are elevated is unclear. The authors studied congenital hypothyroidism with hyperprolactinemia and explored its mechanism. A hypothyroidism group was 9 untreated children with congenital hypothyroidism, aged 4.1 ± 1.0 weeks, or thyroid dysfunction or asymptomatic thyroid, T_4 <129nmol / 1 TSH> 20mU / 1. The control group consisted of 23 normal-functioning infants aged 6.2 ± 0.7 weeks. As the PRL concentrations in the infants did not differ as sexually as adults in the infants’ age studies, no particular attention was paid to the gender mix of the two groups of infants. First, the two groups of infants were measured PRL, A