
来源 :贵州茶叶 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhao0830
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随着人们对茶叶质量安全的重视,传统的化学农药防治已成为制约茶叶产业发展的瓶颈。为了更好地保护茶园生态平衡和为茶园的可持续发展,人们开始把目光转向具有对非靶标生物安全、不易产生抗药性、作用方式特异、促进作物生长并提高抗病性、种类多、开发途径多等特点的植物源农药。本文对植物源农药在茶树的茶小绿叶蝉、茶丽纹象甲、茶炭疽病、茶白星病和茶蓟马等几种主要病虫害方面的研究进行综述。 As people attach importance to the quality and safety of tea, the traditional chemical pesticide control has become a bottleneck restricting the development of the tea industry. In order to better protect the ecological balance of tea plantations and the sustainable development of tea plantations, people began to turn their attention to the non-target biological safety, not easy to produce resistance, the role of specific, to promote crop growth and improve disease resistance, variety, development Pathways and other characteristics of plant-derived pesticides. This review summarizes the research on plant-derived pesticides in several main pests and diseases of Tea Tree, such as Tea Leafhopper, Tea Leaf Curl, Tea Anthracnose, Tea Albus and Thrips tabaci.
一个星期六下午,我们决定在自己的实验室中检查七种不同西海岸Pinot Noir酒的光散射特性。当对这些酒进行品尝和分等级时,小心地把每种酒倒出一小部分,用去离子水按10:1稀释