对于每一个人来说,每年一度的生日或许是一个值得记忆的日子。或许你的父母会为你摆上一桌丰盛的饭菜,庆祝你的生日;或许你会邀上几位好友一起度过;或许你会和你的伴侣在浪漫的烛光中一起回味着这美好的时刻……对于球员来说,这些生日的庆祝方式早已习以为常了。如果能在绿茵场上用杰出的表现为自己的生日献上一份完美的生日礼物,绝对有非凡的意义。本期 TOP10就为你讲述十位球员、教练的生日秀。你的生日让我想起一个难忘的故事,即使年代久远,也不能忘却烛光里的祝福与感动!
For everyone, the annual birthday may be a memorable day. Perhaps your parents will give you a sumptuous meal to celebrate your birthday; maybe you will invite a few friends to spend together; perhaps you and your partner will be together in a romantic candlelight to recapture the beautiful Moment ... For the players, these birthday celebrations have long accustomed to it. It is absolutely extraordinary to be able to offer a perfect birthday present for your birthday with outstanding performance on the pitch. This TOP10 tells you about ten players, coach’s birthday show. Your birthday reminds me of an unforgettable story, even if age can not forget the blessing and touching in the candle light!