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  What does a “date” mean to you? If you automatically say “dinner and a movie,” you don’t know what you’re missing. Sure, that strategy was fine the first time around, but now that you’re more mature, self-confident, and back on the dating scene, it’s time to think outside the first-date box. Take a clue from these folks who broke out of the old 1)stand-by evening and opted for more unconventional settings.
  Lights, Camera, Action!
  “I met Amy at a friend’s party, and we immediately connected because we are both huge movie 2)buffs. I suggested we catch a movie for our first date, but we had trouble deciding what to see—there were so many good ones out. So Amy suggested we see them all. We watched four movies 3)back-to-back, lunching on popcorn, candy and soda and chatting between each show. Not only did we catch up on all the movies we wanted to see, but we had a fantastic first date.”
  —Mark Hobkin, 53, St. Louis, MO
  Be Open to the Pots-ibilities
  “I like to know what a woman enjoys doing before we go out so I can plan our first date accordingly. When Julie said she likes those paint-your-own-pottery places, I wanted to kick myself. I was in far from the best mood when we met, but her enthusiasm and fun-loving attitude immediately got the best of me. We joked around, painted silly things on vases, and occasionally on each other. I can honestly say it was one of the best dates I’ve ever had.”
  —Jonathan Millstein, 38, New York, NY
  Animal Behavior
  “A date once took me on an afternoon trip to the zoo for a first date. It just so happened that we went during mating season, and the animals were all quite 4)amorous, if you know what I mean. It set an interesting tone, to say the least, but I think we both felt a bit more relaxed from all that laughing.”
  —Mary Colon, 44, Phoenix, AZ
去年,老品牌曼秀雷登度过了其120年诞辰。对于它,我们可能既熟悉,却又是一知半解,就好像以下这个由其创始人后代亲述的小故事,你听说过吗?    Interviewer: We’ve been speaking with Alex Taylor, the great-grandson of Albert Alexander Hyde, inventor of Mentholatum and foun
Dionne Warwick:  And I never thought I’d feel this way  And as far as I’m concerned  I’m glad I got the chance to say  That I do believe I love you    And if I should ever go away  Well then close you
从官方媒体口中的“假冒伪劣商品”到网络走红的“山寨版”,无一不提醒着我们,冒牌货物正充斥着生活的各领域市场。一时是伸手可及,一时则是无可避免。这现象不单只在中国屡见不鲜,在国外也越演越烈。    Our buyer and her bag disappear into the crowds. But take a closer look, 1)illicit goods are all aroun
如果你出身于一个到处充斥着黑暗忧郁、愤懑情绪的环境中,你是继续怨天尤人,以埋怨回应不公,还是——以身作则,化与生俱来的不幸为上天的恩赐?    Tensta, the name of a 2)notorious inner city ghetto in 3)Stockholm, is also the name of a star on the Swedish hip hop scene—Adam
亚当·兰伯特(Adam Lambert)是2009年度《美国偶像》(American Idol)选秀节目的亚军,也是该节目举办八年来最受关注和最受争议的选手之一。他极度华丽挥霍的嗓音,富于变化的舞台表演,自参赛起就被评委和媒体看好,一致认定是夺冠的不二人选。但是,决赛当日,他却意外输给了Kris Allen。  《No Boundaries》是由美国偶像评委创作,Adam Lambert与Kris
前年的美国著名杂志《名利场》(Vanity Fair)曾以四位风头强劲的女孩为封面,推出名为“好莱坞的新浪潮”的特辑,大胆预言好莱坞新一代最具潜力的女星。其中有电影《妈妈咪呀!》(Mamma Mia!)的女主角Amanda Seyfried,朱莉娅·罗伯茨的侄女Emma Roberts,电影《暮光之城》(Twilight)的女主角Kristen Stewart,另外一位就是我们要介绍的凭电影《牛仔
在许多人看来,上大学受教育是头等大事,因为它对一个人的未来至关重要,但在金融危机的影响下,这一切似乎变得不那么清晰了。我们来听听一名17岁的美国中学生是怎么想的。    About a year ago, I had no real clue as to what I wanted to do after high school. I never thought I would be colleg
在当今变化无常的世界里,我们总是以新、快的标准来衡量自己成功与否及身边的一切。不过,你曾否想过要停下来,回首凝视你的根,审视祖辈的足迹,聆听先辈的声音?    I believe we are not alone.    Even if I am on the other side of the world from the farmhouse I live in, I still dream o
又过年了。你是否知道除了包饺子、封红包、探亲访友,中国传统里还有许多我们忽视的习俗?也许你并不需要遵循这些规矩,但了解这些可以让你明白过年时见到的种种表面现象。    The holidays in any part of the world are a time of happiness, reflection and sharing. It is especially true during
异性相吸,在磁场中这是铁的定律,但在情场中则不一定行得通。你温顺内敛,他好胜张扬,性格迥异的两人是互补,还是冥冥中已有不祥之兆?      Man: Make some noise.   Well, ABC radio talk show host Michael Baisden has some opinions about that.   Man: Mr. Michael Baisden.  