以漂珠为成孔材料,以ZrO2为结合剂,采用凝胶注模的方法制备出多孔轻质材料。通过分析材料的微观形貌、物相组成、显气孔率、体积密度、抗弯强度等性能参数,研究了烧结温度1200℃~1500℃对材料性能的影响。结果得出,烧结温度达到1400℃时,漂珠外壳与氧化锆的界面结合不再明显,ZrO2颗粒由点接触扩展到面接触;烧结温度1400℃的试样中锆英石的峰最强,说明漂珠和氧化锆已烧结熔融;1400℃下制备试样的显气孔率最大(68%),体积收缩率(20.8%)最低,而抗弯强度可达7畅5M Pa;烧结温度控制在1400℃,可使材料处于烧结中期,保证材料的各项性能满足其应用需求。“,”Cenospheres and zirconia as the raw materials were selected to fabricate the porous -light materials by gel -casting method .The microstructure ,phase composition ,apparent porosity , bulk density ,flexural strength and so on were analyzed ,and the effects of sintering temperature 1200-1500℃ on the above properties of the porous - light materials were investigated . The results showed that the interface between the shells of cenospheres and zirconia particles was not observed , and the zirconia particles transformed from point contact to surface contact in the samples sintered at 1400℃ ;the peak intensity of zircon in the samples sintered at 1400℃ was highest in the samples sin‐tered at 1200 -1500℃ ,indicating that cenospheres and zirconia had been melted and sintered ;the maximum of apparent porosity and the minimum of the bulk shrinkage were 68% and 20 .8% in the samples sintered at 1400℃ ,while the flexural strength in this samples still reached up to 7 .5MPa;in order to meet the demand of the application ,the porous materials can be controlled in the mid sinte‐ring stage by limiting the sintered temperature at 1400℃ .