The space density-density correlation function of the ultra-cooled Bose gas released from the optical lattice is studied in detail by using the quantum rotational field theory. Due to the quantum rotation field theory, the particle number fluctuation and phase of the cold atomic gas in the optical lattice are fully considered Effect, this theory can be effectively applied to the cold atomic system with strong interaction, so that the correlation of the supercooled atomic gas with the light lattice in the superfluid to the transitional state of insulation is very good under this theoretical system The results show that with the transition from supercritical Bose gas to superfluid state, the continuous diagonal diagonal lines in the density-density correlation map gradually shift to scattered spikes, and the theoretical results are in good agreement with the current experimental observations In addition, the above results of density-density correlation also include the quantum dissipation effect of the supercooled atomic system, and the related conclusions are consistent with the existing theories and experiments.