最近我产生了一个三个“30年”的想法. 事情也很凑巧—— 从1919年“五四”运动起到1948年中华人民共和国即将成立,恰巧经过整整30年的时间.这是中国人民进行民族民主革命(或称新民主主义革命),从思想发动经过三次革命战争最后取得全国胜利的30年,是第一个“30年”. 接着从1949年中华人民共和国成立到1978年冬天的中国共产党十一届三中全会,也恰巧经过整整30年,这30年是我国人民取得政权之后,在社会主义建设道路上曲折前进的30年,是第二个30年.在这30年中我们取得了伟大的成就,也
Recently, I came up with three ideas of “30 years.” It was also a coincidence that it took only 30 years for the People’s Republic of China to be established from the May Fourth Movement of 1919 to the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1948. This is the Chinese people The first “30 years” of carrying out the national-democratic revolution (or “new-democratic revolution”) and finally winning the national victory from the thought-launching of the three revolutionary wars were the first of the “30 years.” Then from the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949 to the winter of 1978 The Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China also happens to have taken exactly 30 years, the 30 years after the Chinese people gained political power and the twists and turns of 30 years on the road to socialist construction, the second 30 years. We have made great achievements, too