【摘 要】
July 8, 2018 (Xinhua) -- The Philippines is exploring ways to shorten the processing of visa on arrivals for Chinese tourists, making their entry faster and hassle-free. As part of the plan, the gover
July 8, 2018 (Xinhua) -- The Philippines is exploring ways to shorten the processing of visa on arrivals for Chinese tourists, making their entry faster and hassle-free. As part of the plan, the government is mulling to deploy Mandarin-speaking personnel to airports to better communicate with arriving Chinese tourists. Data from Department of Tourism of the Philippines showed that Chinese tourists are the second top foreign visitors to the Philippines.
由中老两国地方机构联办的“风雅中国·中国—老挝经典诵读会”于7月4日在名城琅勃拉邦举行。6名广西南宁市学生小主播与琅勃拉邦新华学校20多名学生,为两国300多位观众带来中文朗诵与中国民族舞蹈表演。 后续的亲子活动包括毛笔书法、包饺子和编中国结等,让群众感受中华文化魅力。随着“一带一路”建设的推进,中老两国的经济社会交往日益频繁,越来越多的老挝民众学习中文。诵读活动为增进两国人民的了解、友誼和互信
魔幻的灯光效果、绚丽的魔球舞台、悠扬的印尼民歌、虚拟与真人相结合的演绎让人仿佛置身印尼万千岛屿之中——在南宁方特东盟神画,这样的项目可不止一个。8月8日,这个独具东南亚特色的大型高科技主题乐园,即将揭开神秘面纱。该项目作为广西壮族自治区成立60周年献礼工程,不仅将为南宁,甚至为广西打好“东盟牌”提供新的载体,也将为各地游客打开一扇了解东盟文化的新视窗。 为何选择东盟国家文化? 南宁方特东盟神画
July 2, 2018 (Xinhua) -- Mount Fanjingshan, situated in the city of Tongren in China’s Guizhou Province, was inscribed to the World Heritage List at the 42nd World Heritage Committee meeting. It is th
July 13, 2018 (People’s Daily) -- According to the Beijing Municipal Administration Center of Parks, the south inner wall of the Temple of Heaven and the Guangli Gate are currently under renovation. 2
当地时间7月30日下午,马来西亚当局召开发布会,就失联的MH370航班公布调查报告。调查负责人称,通过调查,无法确认飞机离开既定路线的原因,无法确认飞机失联的最终原因。 调查小组负责人、马来西亚民航局前总監郭师传(Kok Soo Chon)在发布会上表示,调查人员的结论是,MH370偏离了其路径,这并不仅仅是系统异常的结果,飞机调转方向向回飞行是在人工控制下进行的。在回转之前,与空中管制缺乏联络
新加坡多民族共存的特性,对饕客来说,狮城呈现出的多元美食无疑是一场胃与食量的“竞技”。而那些被食客蜂拥而至的人气餐厅,很容易“宴遇”各式帅哥美女,最终有多少食肆能得到大家肯定的“金牌”,由你说了算。像“珍宝”、“莆田”这些大家早已如雷贯耳的店名,我就不再做重复的推荐了,筛选了一些我亲身体验后觉得值得与大家分享的食肆。 小红楼 Red House也叫“小红楼”,新加坡一共有两家分店。位于Prin
July 2, 2018 (Xinhua) -- The cumulative number of foreign holidaymakers visiting Indonesia by May ratchet up 11.89 percent to 6.17 million people from a year ago, according to the national statistics
中国—东盟旅游安全峰会及专题培训于7月24日在厦门启幕,共11个国家的22位专家学者莅会,共同探讨旅游安全事宜。峰会由华侨大学主办,以“中国—东盟旅游安全发展与治理合作”为主题,希望透过探索中國—东盟地区的旅游安全风险形势,交流相关安全管理的经验,以深化地区旅游安全治理并推动双方旅游业的安全发展。 峰会期间还举行了中国—东盟旅游安全研究联盟成立仪式,并发布2018旅游安全蓝皮书。
July 17, 2018 (China Travel News) -- WeChat Pay, the e-wallet linked to WeChat messenger has signed a three-year marketing partnership with the Changi Airport Group (CAG). CAG envisions WeChat Pay to
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