OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the relationship between ALDH1 expression in oral lichen planus (OLP) and leukoplakia (LK) by detecting the expression of stem cell marker ALDH1. Methods: Immunohistochemical SP method was used to detect the expression of ALDH1 in 10 normal oral mucosa, 30 OLP, 60 LK and 10 OSCC. The ALDH1 was detected in 30 cancerous and 30 non-cancerous LK In the expression differences. Results: The expressions of ALDH1 in OLK, LK and OSCC were 26.7%, 63.3% and 90.0%, respectively (P <0.05). The expression rates of ALDH1 in non-cancerous and cancerous LK were 43.3% and 83.3% (P <0.01). Conclusion: ALDH1 is associated with the malignant potential of oral mucosa and may be a molecular marker for predicting carcinogenesis.