我觉得一个眼镜企业要想在竞争中立于不败之地,除了他本身必备的“硬件”设施外,(如漂亮的店面装潢,先进的仪器设备等) 最最主要的还是在其“软件”的开发与管理上,即如何培训出优秀的销售员。因为,一个企业,赢利是其发展的根本因素,而销售员整天面对的是消费者,她服务的好坏,直接关系到门市的销售金额。而且,你这个企业的品牌,口碑的好坏,消费者也是直接从你的销售员身上获得的。 那么,怎样才是一名合格的销售员呢?一名优秀的销售员,必须认清自己的一言一行是代表着公司,对待工作要热忱积极,负责任。要善于了解与揣摩顾客的心理。态度要大大方
I think a glasses company in order to compete in an invincible position, in addition to his own essential “hardware” facilities (such as the beautiful store decoration, advanced equipment, etc.) is the most important in its “software ”The development and management, that is, how to train a good sales staff. Because, a business, profitability is the fundamental factor in its development, and salespeople face the consumer all day long, her service is good or bad, directly related to the store sales. Moreover, your business brand, reputation is good or bad, consumers are also obtained directly from your sales staff. So, what is a qualified sales staff? A good sales staff, you must recognize their words and deeds represent the company, to be enthusiastic about the work of a positive and responsible. To be good at understanding and try to figure out customer psychology. To be generous attitude