全省乡镇企业工作会议强调 奋力推进乡镇企业大发展大提高

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1996年6月13日至15日,省委、省政府在武汉市召开全省乡镇企业工作会议。蒋祝平省长参加会议,并作重要报告。报告指出,“九五”时期乡镇企业发展的主要奋斗目标是:到“九五”期末,力争全省乡镇企业总产值达到6700亿元以上,营业收入达到6500亿元,利税总额580亿元,出口交货值170亿元。1996年奋斗目标是:总产值3250亿元,营业收入2800亿元、利税300亿元,新安置农村剩余劳力54万人,为全省农民人均提供工资收入500元。省委、省政府经过反复研究,决定在继续执行原有政策的基础上,再新增一些支持发展的政策措施:到乡镇企业工作的大、中专毕业生,户口、人事档案可以留在县市一级人事部门,工资待遇从优。省里每年将安排一定的“农转非”指标,用于解决在乡镇企业工作有突出贡献的人员,其转干手续也将在国家下达的计划内。认真做好乡镇企业的专业技术职务评聘工作,对被乡镇企业聘任为高级 From June 13 to June 15, 1996, the provincial party committee and the provincial government held a meeting of the township and township enterprises in Wuhan. Governor Jiang Zhuping attended the meeting and made an important report. The report pointed out that the main objectives of the development of township enterprises during the “Ninth Five-Year Plan” period are: By the end of the “Ninth Five-Year Plan” period, the total output value of township and township enterprises in the province will reach 670 billion yuan, operating income will reach 650 billion yuan, and total profits and taxes 58 billion yuan, export delivery value 17 billion yuan. The goal of the struggle in 1996 was: total output value of 325 billion yuan, operating income of 280 billion yuan, profits and taxes of 30 billion yuan, and the newly relocated rural surplus labor force of 540,000, providing wage income of 500 yuan per capita for farmers in the province. After repeated studies, the provincial party committee and the provincial government decided to add a number of policies and measures to support the development on the basis of continuing to implement the original policy: graduates of secondary and secondary schools working in township and village enterprises, and accounts and personnel files can stay in the county. Municipal level personnel department, salary is favorably. In the province, certain “annual non-agricultural revolution” indicators will be arranged every year to solve the problems of people who have made outstanding contributions to the work of the township and township enterprises. The procedures for the transfer will also be in the national plan. Seriously do a good job in the appraisal and appointment of professional and technical jobs for township and township enterprises.
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