全球:伊萨雷斯库,罗马尼亚中央银行行长 伊萨雷斯库是东欧资本主义经济的开拓者之一。这位罗马尼亚 中央银行行长于1990年走马上任,上任伊始就发起对前独裁者齐奥塞斯库私自出售国家黄金储备事件的调查。接着,他致力于取消国有银行的垄断,为私有银行制度和独立的中央
Global: Isarescu, President of the Central Bank of Romania Isarescu is one of the pioneers of the capitalist economies in Eastern Europe. The Romanian Central Bank governor took office in 1990 and took office from his inception by launching a probe into the sale of the country’s gold reserves by former dictator Ceausescu. He then devoted himself to lifting the monopoly of the state-owned banks, to the private banking system and the independent central government