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完整地形成和积累设备技术文件材料,是做好设备档案工作的先决条件和基础工作。 设备技术文件材料的形成、积累、归档工作难度大,究其原因主要在于: 1.我国目前设备使用周期长。按国家规定,除特殊情况外,设备必须在折旧费全部提完后,才能够申请报废。根据现阶段我国国情,设备技术更新速度慢,周期长,一般按25—30年计算折旧,一台设备要近30年左右才能申请报废。如果企业效益差,资金周转慢,或者积累少,则会无钱购置新设备,致使设备延期服役,造成设备使用周期长。由于设备技术文件材料是与设备的生产活动同步形成,所以,设备技术文件材料的形成、积累、归档周期也相应变长。 2.设备技术文件材料分散严重。一台设备,从购置到报废的全过程,要涉及一个企业(或单位)的大多数职能部门,有厂办、总工程师办公室、总调度室、设备科、技术科、供应科、财务科、质检科(或全面质量管理办公室)、安全生产科、基建科、档案科、生产车间、工段和操作工等,使形成和收集归档难度增大。 The complete formation and accumulation of equipment technical documentation is a prerequisite and a basic job for equipment archival work. Equipment technical documents and materials formation, accumulation, archiving work is difficult, the main reason is: 1. China’s current equipment life cycle. According to the state regulations, except under special circumstances, the equipment must be depreciated after all withdrawn before they can apply for scrapping. According to China’s national conditions at this stage, equipment technology updates slow, long cycle, generally depreciated by 25-30 years, a device to nearly 30 years to apply for scrapped. If the enterprise has poor profitability, slow capital turnover or little accumulation, it will have no money to purchase new equipment, resulting in delayed service of the equipment, resulting in long service life of the equipment. As the equipment technical documentation is formed synchronously with the production activities of the equipment, the period for the formation, accumulation and archiving of technical equipment documents is correspondingly longer. 2. Equipment technical documents scattered material. A device, from the purchase to the scrap of the whole process, to be involved in a business (or unit) of most of the functional departments, a factory manager, chief engineer’s office, the general dispatch room, equipment, technology, supply, finance, Quality control department (or total quality management office), safety department, infrastructure department, archives department, production workshop, sections and operators, etc., to form and collect more difficult to archive.
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