感悟纽约生活万象,记录在美国的小日子。葆青,对于上世纪80年代的学人是一个亲切、熟悉的名字。每周日早上8点,随着舒伯特的钢琴小品《F小调音乐的瞬间》奏起,宣告着中央人民广播电台的《星期日广播英语》节目的开始。葆青老师特有的声音:“Hel o,everyone,welcome to Radio English on Sunday.I am Baoqing,wishing you a very pleasant weekend.”至今让人难以忘怀。2014年11月是母亲逝世五周年,国际关系学院63、
Vientiane perception of life in New York, recorded in the United States a small day. Bao Qing, for the 1980s scholars is a cordial, familiar name. Every Sunday at 8 am, Schubert’s piano pianist, “The Moment of Music in F Minor”, announces the start of CNN Radio’s “Sunday Radio English” program. Bao Qing teacher-specific voice: “Hel o, everyone, welcome to Radio English on Sunday. I am Baoqing, wishing you a very pleasant weekend. ” It’s unforgettable. November 2014 marks the fifth anniversary of the death of his mother, Institute of International Relations 63,