Influence of linearly varying density and rigidity on torsional surface waves in inhomogeneous crust

来源 :Applied Mathematics and Mechanics(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pisces_ww
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The present work deals with the possibility of propagation of torsional surface wave in an inhomogeneous crustal layer over an inhomogeneous half space. The layer has inhomogeneity which varies linearly with depth whereas the inhomogeneous half space exhibits inhomogeneity of three types, namely, exponential, quadratic, and hyperbolic discussed separately. The dispersion equation is deduced for each case in a closed form. For a layer over a homogeneous half space, the dispersion equation agrees with the equation of the classical case. It is observed that the inhomogeneity factor due to linear variation in density in the inhomogeneous crustal layer decreases as the phase velocity increases, while the inhomogeneity factor in rigidity has the reverse effect on the phase velocity. The present work deals with the possibility of propagation of torsional surface wave in an inhomogeneous crustal layer over an inhomogeneous half space. The layer has inhomogeneity which varies linearly with depth while the inhomogeneous half space exhibits inhomogeneity of three types, namely, exponential, quadratic, and hyperbolic discussed separately. The dispersion equation is deduced for each case in a closed form. For a layer over a homogeneous half space, the dispersion equation agrees with the equation of the classical case. It is observed that the inhomogeneity factor due to linear variation in density in the inhomogeneous crustal layer decreases as the phase velocity increases, while the inhomogeneity factor in rigidity has the reverse effect on the phase velocity.
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