针对延迟容忍网络(DTN)中喷雾等待(Sa W)路由协议在转发消息时选择中继节点的盲目性,提出一种基于节点效用的路由协议Sa W-Utility.此路由协议在转发消息时,将根据节点剩余缓存和节点交付概率等因素选择中继节点,从而减少中继节点选择的盲目性.仿真结果表明,相比于Sa W路由协议,Sa W-Utility路由协议明显提高了消息转发成功率,降低了网络开销.
Aiming at the blindness of selecting the relay node in the Spam-Waiting (SaW) routing protocol in delay tolerant network (DTN), a routing protocol based on node utility Sa W-Utility is proposed. When the routing protocol forwards the message, The relay nodes will be selected according to the remaining caching of nodes and the probability of node delivery, so as to reduce the blindness of relay node selection.The simulation results show that SaW-Utility routing protocol obviously improves the success of message forwarding compared with SaW routing protocol Rate, reducing network overhead.