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温特·瑟夫(Vint Cerf),1943年生于美国康涅狄格州纽黑文市,他是互联网基础协议——TCP/IP协议和互联网架构的联合设计者之一,谷歌公司副总裁兼首席互联网专家、互联网奠基人之一,国际互联网名人堂入选者。上世纪70年代,温特·瑟夫曾经参与互联网的早期开发与建设,并因此获得了“互联网之父”的美誉。2004年,Kahn和瑟夫博士因为他们在互联网协议方面所取得的杰出成就而荣膺美国计算机学会(ACM)颁发的图灵奖(A.M.Turing Award)。温特·瑟夫还在邮件服务和星际互联网等方面做了开创性的工作。近日,围绕全球互联网发展等问题,本刊编辑部与温特·瑟夫进行了对话。 Vint Cerf, born in New Haven, Connecticut in the United States in 1943, is one of the co-architects of the Internet Basic Agreement - TCP / IP and Internet Architecture, Google’s Vice President and Chief Internet Specialist , One of the founders of the Internet and a member of the Internet Hall of Fame. In the 1970s, Winter Cerf was once involved in the early development and construction of the Internet and thus gained the reputation of being the “father of the Internet.” In 2004, Kahn and Dr. Joseph received the A. M. Turing Award from the American Computer Society (ACM) for their outstanding achievements in Internet protocols. Winter Cerf also pioneered work on mail services and interstellar internet. Recently, around the global Internet development and other issues, the editorial department and Winter Turf dialogue.