To examine the role and effect of nitric oxide synthase type Ⅱ(NOSⅡ) in cirrhotic rats, expression of NOSⅡ mRNA was detected by real time RT-PCR. The enzymatic activity of nitric oxide synthase and the circulating levels of NO, systemic and portal hemodynamics and quantification of cirrhosis were measured. Chinese traditional medicine was used to treat cirrhotic rats and the effect of NO was evaluated. Double-blind method was used in experiment. Our results showed the concentration of NO and the enzymatic activity of NOS increased markedly at all stages of cirrhosis and iNOSmRNA was strongly expressed. Meanwhile, the portal-venous-pressure (PVP) and portal-venous-flow (PVF) were significantly increased. NO, NOS and iNOSmRNA were positively correlated to the degree of hepatic fibrosis. Tetrandrine significantly inhibited NO production and the expression of iNOSmRNA. Our results suggested that increased hepatic expression of NOSⅡ is one of the important factors causing cirrhosis and portal hypertension. Tetrandrine can significantly ameliorate cirrhosis and portal hypertension.
To examine the role and effect of nitric oxide synthase type II (NOS II) in cirrhotic rats, expression of NOS II mRNA was detected by real time RT-PCR. The enzymatic activity of nitric oxide synthase and the circulating levels of NO, systemic and portal hemodynamics and quantification of cirrhosis were measured. Chinese traditional medicine was used to treat cirrhotic rats and the effect of NO was evaluated. Our results showed the concentration of NO and the enzymatic activity of NOS increased markedly at all stages of cirrhosis and iNOS mRNA were strongly expressed. Meanwhile, the portal-venous-pressure (PVP) and portal-venous-flow (PVF) were significantly increased. NO, NOS and iNOS mRNA were positively correlated to the degree of hepatic fibrosis. Tetrandrine inhibited NO production and the expression of iNOS mRNA. Our results suggested that increased hepatic expression of NOSII is one of the important problems that cirrhosis and portal hypertension. Tetrandrine can significantly ameliorate cirrhosis and portal hypertension.