沉雄险劲 苍健逸宕——沈延毅先生的书法艺术

来源 :青少年书法 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pinghua_xu
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近半个世纪以来,沈延毅以其独成一派的书法扬名海内外。其创作风格拙媚相生,苍劲古朴兼带雄健,深沉含蓄偶露飘逸,在书法史上成为当代书法中国北方地区的开派大师。1992年沈延毅先生因病辞世,享年90岁。沈延毅先生不愧为写碑的高手。其书法融合诸多魏体又天衣无缝、自成面目,难 For nearly half a century, Shen Yan-yi has become famous at home and abroad for his unique calligraphy. The creative style of co-existence with melancholy, vigorous and simple with outstanding, deep and elegant and elegant, calligraphy in the history of calligraphy in northern China to send master. Shen Yan Yi died in 1992 at the age of 90. Mr. Shen Yan Yi deserves to be a master of writing. Its calligraphy fusion of many Wei body and perfect, self-evident, difficult