在 2 0世纪中国社会转型的过程中 ,革命与改良 (改革 )这两种变革思想和方式之间虽然有重大区别 ,但又是互补的 ,而且“你中有我 ,我中有你”。两者在不同的历史时期各凸现其主导功能 ,也会相互转化 ,不可绝对地厚此薄彼 ,更不可只肯定一种而否定另一种。事实上 ,革命与改良是同一部乐曲的“双重变奏” ,两者的相生相克、相辅相成、交互辉映 ,共同组成了 2 0世纪中华民族救亡图存、启蒙大众、革故鼎新的历史画卷 ,共同推进了中国社会的现代化。 2 0世纪最后 2 0多年的改革和发展趋势表明 ,中国尽管已从根本上摆脱了自我束缚的困扰 ,但进入新世纪后最需要的是居安思危 ,力戒盛世意识 ,增强忧患意识。
In the course of the social transformation in China in the 20th century, although there were major differences between the two revolutionary ideas and ways of reform and reform (reform), they are complementary and “you and me have you and I have you.” Both have shown their dominant functions in different historical periods and will also transform each other. They can not absolutely favor one another, let alone affirm one and neglect another. In fact, revolution and reform are the “dual variations” of the same piece of music. The two are mutually reinforcing and mutually reinforcing and interacting each other, forming the historical picture of the Chinese nation in its salvation, enlightenment and reform of the Chinese nation in the 20th century and jointly promote the development of Chinese society modernization. The trends of reform and development in the last 20 years of the 20th century show that although China has basically got rid of the troubles of self-restraint, what is most needed after entering the new century is vigilance in peace times, vigilance against the heath of prosperity, and awareness of the crisis.