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在安徒生的童话里,两个骗子裁缝空着手,煞有介事地把赤裸的国王拉到大街上炫耀其杰作,得到了行人对那件根本不存在的新装的热烈颂扬。安徒生让读者把骗子行骗的过程看了个痛快,却对骗局为何成功不做任何解释,引起读者良多感慨。霍格兰写西方七国首脑会议的《慕尼黑骗局》一文,大有异曲同工之妙。曾几何时,西方七国首脑聚在一起,规划着全球的经济格局和宏观政策,干预着世界各地的冲突危机,触角无处不及,历来引人瞩目。但是《慕尼黑骗局》的作者在副标题里称之为“装扮演戏”,可谓语出惊人,夺人耳目。经济巨人为何就国际和自己的大事闹出一场荒诞喜剧?这无疑是文章的暗藏主题,也是读者急切欲知的个中原因。然而作者却不慌不忙,全篇包括第一幕、第二幕以及国际货币基金组织的做法,都是从不同的方面描述骗局内容,每一幕的开始和结束,都抖动着一层婆 In Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale, the two cheat cutters left empty hands and took the naked king to the street to show off their masterpiece with great excitement, and received a warm tribute from the pedestrian to the new, non-existent suit. Andersen let the reader cheated the process cheated looked happy, but why the fraud did not do any explanation, aroused a lot of readers feeling. Hooglan wrote the article titled “The Munich Conjecture” of the summit of the seven nations of the West. Once upon a time, the leaders of the seven G7 nations gathered together to plan the global economic situation and macroeconomic policies and intervene in the crisis of conflicts around the world. The tentacles are everywhere and have drawn considerable attention. But the author of the “Munich scam” called it a “costume play” in the subtitle, astonishing and eye-catching. Why economic giants make a ridiculous comedy for international affairs and their own affairs? This is undoubtedly the hidden theme of the article, which is also the reason why the readers are eager to know. However, the author is not hurriedly. The whole story, including Act I and Act II, and the International Monetary Fund’s practice all describe the contents of the fraud from different aspects. Each episode begins and ends with a tumultuous
1 生长特点1.1 出叶速度快,播始期缩短。直播苗日平均出叶为0.26叶,比移栽苗快0.02叶;播始期56~57天,比移栽苗缩短3~4天。 1 growth characteristics 1.1 out of fast, short
一、选育经过通单22是吉林省通化市农科所以具有南斯拉夫地理远缘的自交系BC7315为母本,国内骨干系330为父本杂交育成。 1981~1984年在所内进行产量比较试验,比对照品种吉单1