《成吉思汗传》 朱耀廷著辽宁师范大学出版社出版(1998年) “一代天骄”成吉思汗一生中主要做了三件事:一是统一蒙古草原;二是南下伐金;三是进行西征。本书生动形象地描述了成吉思汗的这些主要业绩,并对如何评价这位历史人物提出了独到的见解,尤其是在“西征”问题?
“Biography of Genghis Khan” Zhu Yaoting published Liaoning Normal University Press (1998) “a generation of Tianjiao” Genghis Khan done three main things in his life: First, the unity of Mongolia grassland; the second is to march gold; the third is the Western Expedition. This book vividly depicts these major achievements of Genghis Khan and presents unique insights on how to evaluate this historical figure, especially on the issue of “Western Expedition”.