植入起搏器的患者常因心律失常需要抗心律失常药物(antiarrbythmic drugs,AAD)治疗。在1组有关3 610例植入型心律转复除颤器(ICD)患者的研究中,大约50%的患者都应用过AAD治疗。起搏脉冲的有效夺获对起搏器患者的健康甚至生命至关重要。心脏起搏阈值的升高对患者尤其是起搏器依赖患者将会产生影响。AAD对起搏阈值的影响不同,有些AAD可明显升高起搏阈值,而有些AAD对起搏阈值却无明显影响。本文就AAD对起搏阈值的影响作一综述。
Patients with implanted pacemakers often require antiarrbythmic drugs (AAD) for their arrhythmias. In a study of 3 610 patients with implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) patients, approximately 50% of patients had AAD therapy. Effective capture of pacing pulses is vital to the health and even life of the pacemaker patient. The increase in cardiac pacing threshold will have an impact on patients, especially pacemaker-dependent patients. The effect of AAD on pacing threshold is different, with some AADs significantly elevating the pacing threshold, while some AADs have no significant effect on the pacing threshold. This article reviews the impact of AAD on pacing thresholds.