四月茭是苏州地区名特优蔬菜之一,又是解决旱生蔬菜淡季的主要品种。四月茭营养丰富,蛋白质含量在1.4%以上,脂肪达0.3%,醣类3.5%,粗纤维1.1%左右,还富含维生素及无机盐类。其味鲜美,且耐贮存,很受消费者的青睐,具有一定的发展前景。我地目前种植的四月茭,其实是一年两熟茭白,先是秋季(9月底至10月底)采收的第一熟茭白称为秋茭,然后是秋茭的老茭墩到第2年春季发芽放青的茭秧称为四月茭秧。因为四月茭的产量,尤其是经济效益在一年两熟中占绝对优势,所以人们常把它们笼统地称为四月茭。根据我地多年来大面积生产实践表明,要取得667m~2产3000kg优质四月茭,必须走“以种好秋茭为前提,种好四月茭为重点”的高产栽培路子,从而达到四月茭高产高效的目的。 一、以种好秋茭为前提 秋茭与四月茭两熟茭白的种植是连贯性的,秋茭秧的好坏,直接影响到第2年四月茭产量的高低与品质的优劣。因此,种好秋茭是夺取四月茭优质高产的前提。
April 茭 is one of the best vegetables in Suzhou area, but also to solve the off-season of the main varieties of xerophytic vegetables. April 茭 nutritious, protein content of 1.4% or more, 0.3% fat, carbohydrates 3.5%, about 1.1% crude fiber, but also rich in vitamins and inorganic salts. Its delicious, and resistant to storage, very popular with consumers, with some prospects for development. The April crop currently planted in my hometown is in fact a two-cropped year. The first ripening crop harvested in the fall (from the end of September to the end of October) is called the autumn crop, then the autumn crop of the old crop to the second year Sprout spring green seedling called April seedlings. Because the production in April, especially the economic benefits, prevails in two crops a year, they are often referred to as April. According to the practice of large-scale production over the years in our country, it is necessary to obtain a high-yielding cultivation path of “producing good quality autumn 茭 as the prerequisite and planting good April 茭 as the key point” to obtain 3000kg high-quality April 66 of 667m ~ 2, Moon 茭 high yield and efficient purpose. First, in order to kind of autumn 茭 as a precondition Autumn 茭 and April 茭 two crops 茭 white cultivation is consistent, autumn 茭 茭 good or bad, directly affect the second year in April 茭 output level and quality of the pros and cons. Therefore, planting good autumn is to win the premise of high quality and high yield in April.