提起1957年我国政治领域发生的 那场重大变故--从扩大民主的整风运 动出发走到反右派斗争严重扩大化,许 多人都不禁会产生这样一种认识:毛泽 东发起整风运动的动因,就是为了将右 派们“聚而歼之”。如果单从运动的过程 和结果来看,似乎的确如此! 然而客观地讲,1957年的开门整风, 有着它深刻的历史渊源。实际上,毛泽东 关于整风的指导思想,早在陕甘宁边区 时期就已初步形成,正如迈斯纳在《毛泽 东的中国及后毛泽东的中国》中所述: “在人民共和国的政治、经济和教育等领
Mentioning the major accident that took place in the political field of our country in 1957, from the expansion of the democratic rectification movement to the serious anti-rightist struggle, many people can not help but come to the understanding that Mao Zedong’s motivation for launching a rectification campaign is to Will the right to ”gather and annihilate“. If only from the process and the results of the exercise point of view, it seems true! However, objectively speaking, the door open rectification in 1957, has its profound historical origins. In fact, Mao Zedong’s guiding ideology of rectifying wind was initially formed in the period of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region. Just as Meissner stated in Mao Zedong’s China and Later Mao Tse-tung’s China: ”The political and economic conditions in the People’s Republic of China And education and other collar