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  Guest of Honor: The Grammy for the Album of the Year goes to…The Dixie Chicks.
  Reporter: The Dixie Chicks went five for five winning all the Grammys they were up for, including Album, Record, and Song of the Year, along with two other awards; sweet vindication[辩护] for the beating they took after criticizing[批评] President Bush. The sweep put Natalie Maines in a conciliatory[抚慰的] mood.
  Natalie Maines: I’m ready to make nice! I think…I think people are using their freedom of speech here tonight with all these awards, so we get the message. There’s a lot of…
  Reporter: Not that she didn’t gloat[心满意足] just a little after winning Best Country Album, considering that the country music industry had abandoned[抛弃] them.
  Natalie Maines: That’s interesting. Well, to quote[引用] the great Simpsons, “Heh Heh!”
  Reporter: It was supposed to be Mary J. Blige’s night, but she won only three minor awards and still hasn’t won a major Grammy in her career. But winning Best R&B Album was still an emotional moment for her.
  Blige: This is the first time I’ve ever been up here to receive anything, and I thank you so much!
  Reporter: American Idol winner, Carrie Underwood, continued her meteoric[疾速的] rise with two Grammys, including Best New Artist. The favorite rockers of the night were The Red Hot Chili Peppers, who won four awards, including Best Rock Album.
  Guest of Honor: Stadium Arcadium from Red Hot Chili Peppers.
  Anthony Kiedis: That’s it, get out there and start a rock band. Why don’t you kids start a rock band? We need more rock bands.
  Reporter: The whole evening started with a reunion[团圆] by The Police, giving their first live TV performance, since they broke up in 1984. The reunion got the band, The Fray, so excited. They gave Sting and the boys their own tribute[礼物] on the red carpet[地毯]. Sting and the rest of the band couldn’t party all night here at the Grammys; they had to get up early the morning after to [do] a concert for 20 hand-picked[精挑细选] fans at the Whiskey a Go Go in Los Angeles. Coming up next, their first concert tour in more than two decades.
  颁奖嘉宾:“红辣椒”乐队的《Stadium Arcadium》。
  记者:当晚的颁奖礼由“警察”乐队的重聚表演开场,这是该乐队自1984年解散后的首个电视直播表演。这个复合表演让“The Fray”乐队也兴奋不已。他们在红地毯上给主唱Sting及众成员献上独特的礼物。Sting及其他乐队成员不能欣赏当晚整个格莱美颁奖礼,因为他们第二天要早起,为在洛杉矶的“Whiskey a Go Go”俱乐部精选出来的20名歌迷开演唱会。接下来,他们将要开二十多年来的首次巡回演唱。
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