发扬“二·七”革命精神 彻底批判“中庸之道”——武汉地区“二·七”老工人和我校历史系部分工农兵学员批林批孔座谈纪要

来源 :武汉大学学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:majing1619
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在批林批孔运动中,武汉“二·七”老工人同我校历史系部分工农兵学员一起,批判叛徒、卖国贼林彪贩卖中庸之道,反对马克思主义斗争哲学的罪行。他们从哲学、历史、阶级斗争等方面,狠揭猛批中庸之道的反动实质。下面是他们的批判发言纪要。 In the pro-xin-dong movement, together with some of the workers, peasants and soldiers in the history department of our university, the “2.77” old workers in Wuhan criticized the traitors and sold the thieves Lin Biao for selling the Golden Mean and opposed the crimes of Marxist philosophy of struggle. From the aspects of philosophy, history and class struggle, they have ruthlessly criticized the reactionary essence of the doctrine of the mean. Here’s a summary of their critiques.