Research and Application of Expert System Skeleton for Controlling Sintering Process

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lionsky
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An expert system skeleton tool of sintering process was constructed using object-oriented method, which can actualize two functions, i.e., the shell function and the program function. The skeleton tool offered a platform to build a prototype system, to program class code, and to develop the expert system. Four branch expert systems were developed using the skeleton tool including the control of chemical composition, the control of sintering process state, the control of expended energy, and the diagnosis of abnormity. It is found that the performance of all systems is satisfactory in practice. An expert system skeleton tool of sintered process was constructed using object-oriented method, which can actuallyize two functions, ie, the shell function and the program function. The skeleton tool offered a platform to build a prototype system, to program class code, and to develop the expert system. Four branch expert systems were developed using the skeleton tool including the control of chemical composition, the control of sintering process state, the control of expended energy, and the diagnosis of abnormity. It is found that the performance of all systems is satisfactory in practice.
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