作者自1986年5月至1987年11月对山东蒙阴县境内天麻林场等地的楸树根结线虫病的感染率、危害、症状及其病原线虫种类进行了调查,并通过对病原的雌虫、雄虫和二龄侵袭期幼虫的形态观察、测量、寄主反应及北卡罗来纳鉴别寄主试验,确认中山寺林场楸树根结线虫病病原为爪哇根结线虫(Meloido-gyne javanica(Treub,1885),Chitwood,1949),杨庄苗圃病原为北方根结线虫(M.hapla Chitwood,1949),而天麻林场与蒙阴县苗圃病原主要为以上二种根结线虫,其中以爪哇根结线虫为优势种,偶见极少量南方根结线虫(M.incognita Chitwood,1949)。本文还对二种主要病原线虫的重要鉴别特征作了较详细的描述,为楸根结线虫病的防治提供了必要的基础资料。
From May 1986 to November 1987, the author investigated the infection rate, harms, symptoms and pathogenic nematode species of Catalpa odissima in Tianma Forest Farm in Mengyin County, Shandong Province. Morphological observation, measurement, host reaction and host identification of host, second-instar larvae and host identification were used to identify host pathogen of Meloido-gynejavanica (Treub, 1885) , Chitwood, 1949). The pathogen of Yangzhuang nursery was M. hapla Chitwood (1949), while the pathogens of Tianma forest farm and Mengyin nursery were mainly root-knot nematodes, of which root-knot nematodes were dominant Occasionally a very small amount of M. incognita (M.incognita Chitwood, 1949). In this paper, we also described in detail the important distinguishing features of two major pathogenic nematodes, and provided the necessary basic information for the prevention and treatment of the root knot nematode disease.