依托“一带一路”战略 推进人民币国际化

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“一带一路”的核心在于中国通过国际通行的规则与做法,以经济发展为目标,不附加政治附带条件地帮助其他国家,共同分享经济增长红利。而推动人民币国际化可以为“一带一路”铺平道路,是“一带一路”战略全面展开的重要前提,“一带一路”战略也为人民币国际化创造了难能可贵的投融资载体、国际分工环境和市场条件。 The core of the Belt and Road is that China, through its internationally accepted rules and practices, aims at economic development and helps other countries to share the political growth dividend without political attachments. To promote internationalization of the RMB can pave the way for the “Belt and Road” and an important premise for the “Belt and Road” strategy. The “Belt and Road” strategy has also created a valuable investment and financing carrier for the internationalization of the RMB , International division of labor environment and market conditions.
[摘 要] 《ERP沙盘模拟》课程是职业院校经管类专业的实践实训类课程,通过《ERP沙盘模拟》课程学生在校期间能熟悉企业运行的全过程,并且将所学应用于各级“企业沙盘模拟经营”技能竞赛中,成为助推就业创业的原动力。主要就“企业沙盘模拟经营”技能竞赛提高职业院校学生创新创业能力的意义进行阐述。  [关 键 词] 企业沙盘模拟经营;技能竞赛;创新创业能力  [中图分类号] G715 [文献标志码] A