
来源 :中国初级卫生保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liu_da_shi
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孕产妇、新生儿系统管理对降低孕产妇、围产儿死亡率起重要作用。但经过一段时间的实践,笔者认为在其实施过程中存在以下几方面问题。①孕产妇缺乏妇幼保健知识。由于文化水平的限制及宣传教育工作的不足,部分孕妇没有充分了解妇幼保健的内容及其意义,缺乏自我保健意识,不能主动接受系统管理,造成孕妇建册难。②母子保健手册管理不严。母子保健手册是医生对孕产妇、新生儿进行科学管理的凭证,它记录了自孕妇妊娠至儿童7岁过程中的母子健康情 Maternal and neonatal system management to reduce maternal and perinatal mortality plays an important role. However, after a period of practice, I think there are some problems in the process of its implementation. ① maternal lack of maternal and child health knowledge. Due to the limitation of cultural level and the lack of publicity and education work, some pregnant women do not fully understand the content and significance of MCH, lack awareness of self-care and can not take the initiative to accept systematic management, which makes it difficult for pregnant women to build their own books. ② maternal and child health manual management lax. Maternal and Child Health Handbook is a doctor’s certificate of maternal and neonatal scientific management, which records the maternal and child health from the pregnant woman’s pregnancy to the child’s 7-year-old
1996年农历八月十八,钱塘江九溪潮水轰鸣。第一次拍钱江潮,我被打上来的巨浪卷到路边,为了把这个危险的怪潮凝固在胶片上,我决定每年赴约,追拍钱江潮。  2002年,由于受“森拉克”台风影响,原本应该出现在农历八月十八的大潮,八月初二就咆哮而来。巨浪越过防洪大堤卷入公路,十多辆汽车被掀翻,30多人受伤,一人死亡。后来从气象部门得知,这次潮水百年不遇。  拍潮水关键是选点。或者选择潮水打不到的地方,或