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日常生活中,不难发现一些长时间生活在一起的夫妇在外貌上会越来越像,这就是人们所谓的“夫妻相”。由于它被认为是“有福气”的象征,或者是夫妻生活幸福的一种体现,很多夫妻都以此为乐,甚至自鸣得意。然而,在沉浸于幸福“夫妻相”的同时,值得引起注意的是,夫妻朝夕相处在一起,共同生活的时间长了,饮食习惯相同、生活方式相近,如果违反科学,往往会同患一种病即所谓的“夫妻病”。本期特别话题,让我们一起来认识“夫妻病”的点点滴滴—— In everyday life, it is not difficult to find out that some couples who live together for a long time will become more and more like appearances, which is what people call “couples.” Because it is considered a symbol of blessed happiness or a manifestation of the happiness of a couple’s life, many couples are happy and even complacent. However, while immersed in happiness “husband and wife ” at the same time, it is noteworthy that the couple get along day and night living together for a long time, eating habits are the same, similar to the way of life, if the violation of science, often with a The disease is the so-called “couple disease.” Special issue of this issue, let us work together to understand “couple disease ” bit by bit -
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鸡蛋果(passiflora edulis)为西番莲科(passifloraceae),西番莲属(passi-flora).本属约有400余种,大都原产于热带美洲,其中约60种可供食用,其余为供观赏之草质藤木植物.常见