【摘 要】
Ophiura pteracantha sp. nov.(Fig.1; Pl.Ⅰ:1—3) Description Diameter of disk 6—8mm., length of arms 4—5 times the diameter of the disk. Disk flat, rounded, c
Ophiura pteracantha sp. nov.(Fig.1; Pl.Ⅰ:1—3) Description Diameter of disk 6—8mm., length of arms 4—5 times the diameter of the disk. Disk flat, rounded, covered with unequal and slightly imbricated scales, among which the central dorsal, radial and interradil plates are distinct, and forming a pretty rosette. In the median radial line there is a row of two scales separating the two radial shields of each pair. In the interradii there are two rows of scales between the radial shield, and a transverse series of five rectangular scales, connected
Ophiura pteracantha sp. Nov. (Fig.1; Pl. I: 1-3) Description Diameter of disk 6-8 mm., Length of arms 4-5 times the diameter of the disk. Disk flat, rounded, covered with unequal and in the median radial line there is a row of two scales separating the two radial shields of each pair. In the interradii there are two rows of scales between the radial shield, and a transverse series of five rectangular scales, connected
据美国FMW Enterprises海洋学和地球物理仪器公司1983年第三号仪器样本报道,该公司最近出售由加拿大Applied Microsystem公司研制并生产的一种TD—1型电子数字颠倒温度表。
应国家南极考察委员会的邀请,英国南极调查局局长Dick Laws夫妇于1984年5月9日至13日参观访问了海洋二所。 英国是世界上开展南极考察研究较早的国家之一,现在南极设有四个
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【摘要】通过对小学英语教学实际情况的调查发现:小学高年级学生的英语学习兴趣减退、教师对学生的英语学习激励不足、互动情感缺乏等问题。依据积极心理学的理论,对这些问题进行分析研究,提出了提高小学英语教学有效性的策略。 【关键词】积极心理学 英语教学 应用 策略 一、前言 在教育部颁布的《基础教育课程改革纲要》中指出:“改变课程过于注重知识传授的倾向,强调形成积极主动的学习态度,使获得基础知识与基
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