
来源 :特种经济动植物 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:owenyhz
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矮牵牛[Petunia hybrid(Hook·f)Vilm.]中文名为碧冬茄,俗称矮喇叭花、毽子花、番薯花、撞羽牵牛、杂种撞羽朝颜等。其原生于南美洲中南部地区,引入我国后,已成为南方秋、冬季和北方夏、秋季时尚花卉。矮牵牛已有160多年的栽培历史。目前,世界各地广为栽植,中国于20世纪引种,80年代开始育种,现北自东北、南至海南和陕西等地园林都有栽培,已成为中国各省、市、区绿化、美化的观花植物。1植物学特征多年生草本,长江中下游南部作2年生栽培,寒地为1年生花卉。其高20~40cm、株幅30~50cm,全株具腺毛;茎圆 Petunia hybrid (Hook f) Vilm.] Chinese called Bi winter tomato, commonly known as dwarf petunia, razor clams, sweet potato flowers, knocked down the morning glory, crossbreed against the Aspect and so on. It was native to south central South America. After its introduction into our country, it has become a fashionable flower in autumn and winter in the south and summer and autumn in the north. Petunia has more than 160 years of cultivation history. At present, plants are widely planted in various parts of the world. China introduced it in the 20th century and began breeding in the 1980s. Now it has cultivated gardens in the north, south, Hainan and Shaanxi, and has become the ornamental plant of landscaping and landscaping in various provinces, cities and districts in China. plant. 1 botany perennial herb, 2 years of cultivation in the south of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, 1-year-old flowers in cold. The high 20 ~ 40cm, plant width 30 ~ 50cm, the whole plant with glandular hair; stems round
Ⅰ.Introduction rnSa dpyad is the Tibetan tradition of geomancy.It is the old knowledge of analyzing the landscape combining Bon religion,Indian Buddhism cultur
一、问题的提出 道德价值观是个体对事物作出是否具有道德价值的判断时所持的内在尺度。在现实生活中,个体追求何种道德生活、崇尚何种道德信条、接受何种道德规范、作出何
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编者按  《技能扶贫百问百答》一书由人力资源社会保障部职业能力建设司组织编写,中国劳动社会保障出版社出版。本书精心设计了100个问题,依据国家出台的技能扶贫政策和相关工作实践进行了解答。本刊从《技能扶贫百问百答》中的6个篇章节选了一些问答刊出,以方便广大读者阅读。  第一篇 政策文件篇  《中共中央 国务院关于打赢脱贫攻坚战的决定》对开展技能扶贫提出哪些主要要求?  答:2015年11月,中共中央