周杰终于出事了,刚脱下包公服的周杰,因为酬金问题,把《少年包青天》剧组的制片人陈勇给打了。早就听说周杰的为人,先是《还珠格格》剧组传出他抢苏有朋的戏,致使两人闹不和。进驻《少年包青天》的剧组后,又被指擅自改剧本和习惯迟到一小时,甚至对其他演员呼呼喝喝,闹得包青天剧组乌烟瘴气,剧组人员说起周杰都义愤填膺。连南方的某报也力数出周杰的八大“罪状”:打人、罢演、虐待女演员、擅改剧本、迟到、摆款、狐假虎威、抢戏。 剧集夜审郭槐的一场戏中,皇帝皇后都在场,只听见周杰说完长篇对白后大喊一声:“大胆郭槐,你给我跪下。这边郭槐的饰演者高大伟双手抱拳应声说了句
Finally, Zhou Jie had an accident and just took off Zhou Gong from the Bao Gongfu service and beat Chen Yong, the producer of “Youth Bao Qing Tian”. Already heard of Zhou Jie’s man, first, “My Fair Princess” came out he robbed Alec Peng’s play, resulting in the two noisy. Stationed in “juvenile pack sky” after the crew, he was also accused of unauthorized changes to the script and the habit of being late for an hour, or even to other actors whirring, enraged the blue sky crew slander, the crew talked about Jie Jie are indignant. Even a newspaper in the south also counted out the eight “crimes” of Zhou Jie: hitting, striking, mistressing actresses, skipping scripts, being late, posing for money, fooling around and robbing the play. In the drama Guo Huai’s nightly scene, the empress was present and only heard Zhou Jie finished his long dialogue and shouted: "Bold Guo Huai, you kneel down to me. Hands Baoquan said something